Concrete Floor Polishing


We at Koncraft pride ourselves in providing a quality service for residential and commercial dwellings, furthermore consistency and an attention to detail is our no. 1 priority.

We are constantly pushing the boundaries when it comes to finishes, to give people as broad of a range possible as we are aware each person is individual as is every floor that we polish.

Our Services

Over the last number of years, we have grown and expanded our knowledge of floor polishing methods, to be able to give the client the best finishes that can be achieved.

We offer a wide range of services to suit every type of business.

Every Deadline to meet

Our reputation precedes us and has led to great word of mouth recommendations. With all hands-on quality craftsmanship and attention to detail – as well as an ability to meet stringent deadlines 

Quality Craftsmanship

High quality craftsmanship, excellent building results – that’s what Koncraft believes in and proves every time to our clients 

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Experts in concrete and concrete aided construction





Mail: keith@koncraft.ie


Phone: (089) 402 5466

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